Getting Ready For Beach Camp!
Beach Camp builds confidence and self esteem through activities designed to impart important life skills while developing problem solving and teamwork social skills. The emotional growth and confidence that comes from a week at Beach Camp has positive impacts and memories to last a lifetime.
Beach Camp students and parents are greeted upon arrival in the Beach Camp parking area on Sunday between 3:00-4:00 PM, with pickup the following Saturday at 11:00 AM. Beach Camp staff will check you in at your vehicle and verify contact numbers, payment, and friends requests. Parents can then escort their campers to their cabins or cabanas on the pier and and check in with their cabin counselors for the week and go over medications or other information. Parents can then tour the Wharf with their campers until time for goodbyes and final hand off at their designated cabin. If your camper brings a cell phone to camp, they will need to check it into one of our cell phone lock boxes for the week.
Our kids believe we have the best camp food on the planet. Our kids are active all day long and need plenty of nourishment. Parents rest assured we have well balanced meals and can cater to the fussiest eaters. Vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options are available and we are sensitive to kids needs, special diets, and the pickiest of eaters. Meals and snacks are included for both overnight and day camp students.
Nut Free Zone
Please help us to do our best to keep Beach Camp a nut free zone by carefully monitoring any food or snacks sent with your child to make sure they are nut free. Any campers with nut allergies requiring an epi pen must bring two epi pens so that one can be kept in the office.
Beach Camp supplies wetsuits and booties for the week for all campers. Tight fitting under armor all type rashguard tee shirts and shorts are the best think to wear under wetsuits.
Please involve your camper in packing their luggage. If they are not involved in the packing process they will not know what they have or where to find it. Please do not overpack. Beach Camp kids spend almost the entire week in swimsuits with sweats over the top in the evenings. And Please DO NOT BRING WET WIPES they clog our plumbing pumps and could put your child's in-cabin bathroom out of service for the week.
To keep cabins tidy and accessible it is important that each camper's luggage fits under the bottom bunk. This means a maxium luggage height of 12" which accomadates all normal travel luggage, but not the new breed of gigantic rolling duffel bags.
Packing list:
• Small Daypack
• Inflable sleeping mat
• Water Bottle
• Headlamp
• Large beach towel and small hand towel
• Swimsuit/board shorts (no speedo or thongs of course)
• T-shirt or sun shirt
• Flip flops or Beach Walking Shoes
• Running shoes or closed toed sport shoes for our sport court and other excursions
• Fleece jacket or hoodie
• Sunglasses
• Baseball or bucket hat
• Sleeping bag/pillow
• Extra changes of clothes
• Pajamas/bathrobe
• Toothbrush, soap, shampoo (no wet wipes – they clog our plumbing)
• Beach and campfire friendly musical instrument if you have a favorite
• Disposable Waterproof Camera (optional)
What not to Bring:
• Wet Wipes (they clog our plumbing)
• Rings/Jewelery
• Cell phones
• Sports gear
• Fishing poles
• Electronic games
• Food, Candy, Gum
• Cash (camp store purchases go to your camper's store account)
• Go Pros, do not float so if you were to bring one you need to accept the distinct possibility that it may not make it through the week
Friends Requests
Most weeks have a single cabin or cabana for each of the 4 age groups, Minnnow (grade 2-3), Seal (grade 4-5), Dolphin (grade 6-7), Orca (grade 8-9). However, for some weeks the groups are split in two. If it is important for your camper to be in a same cabin as a friend please list the friend's name in your registration from and we will be sure to match them up. Please note, we cannot accommodate friends requests outside of your Minnow, Seal, Dolphin, Orca grade groups. Also please note, if you are attending with your entire soccer team or school class there may be insufficient space for your group in a single cabin.
Lost and Found
We are not able to maintain a lost and found for things left after camp at the end of each week. Cabins are searched prior to Sunday pickup and we do our best to match kids with unclaimed clothes and shoes before parent arrival. Anything not claimed at pickup which generally consists of a mixed pile of wet and sandy clothes, single flip flops and water shoes is disposed of prior to the start of the next camp week.
Beach Camp maintains a photo upload site where each day’s photos from camp are uploaded and stored. You will be provided the login information at check-in. We try to include group photos with every child in each day’s upload, but this is much easy said than done, as many children go out of their way to avoid the online spotlight. Please don’t think there is anything the least bit amiss if your child seeks to avoid the day’s photos.
Camp Store
Credit is added to your child’s camp store account online via a link provided with your second half payment notice. The camp store sells Beach Camp hoodies, t-shirts, water bottles, etc. $50 is usually good for the week. We do our best to see that everyone's store credit is used up by the last day of camp and any remaining balance is considered donated.
When Would We Contact a Parent?
A big part of Beach Camp is giving each child the opportunity to develop the increased self-reliance and self-confidence which comes from making their own decisions and working through the normal yin and yang of camp life. As such we rarely call parents during the camp week except in cases such as an important missing item like prescription glasses or medicine, unrepentant violation of camp standards, intractable home sickness preventing the child from meaningfully participating, or of course injury which in the judgment of Beach Camp staff requires the attention of a physician. We see more bumps, scrapes, strains and sprains in a summer than a parent would see in many lifetimes and we do not contact parents over items which from our experience resolve with ice and rest.
Allergies at Camp
We have been able to successfully accommodate campers who have a wide range of allergies. We of course ask that parents provide this information on their registration form, and in cases of dietary restrictions or severe and/or extensive allergies, we ask that they bring it up again at check-in so that we can make sure we are adequately prepared to accommodate your Beach Camper’s needs. If your child’s allergic reaction could require an Epi-Pen or inhaler your child is responsible for keeping it with them at camp, and you must provided a second epi pen or inhaler for us to keep in the office. Please note we are not able to accept your child at drop off without providing a second Epi-pen or inhaler, and staff does not have authority to grant excpetions to this rule.
Beach Camp Camper Standards
Beach Campers are expected to treat other campers and staff with respect at all times, and value each camper’s right to have a fun experience. Bullying or harassment of any kind is strictly prohibited, as well as swearing and discussion of inappropriate topics as determined by the Camp Directors. Possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs is of course strictly prohibited and would result in immediate dismissal from camp. All prescription and over the counter medications must be given to camp staff for storage and administration from locked medicine cabinets per Beach Camp health and wellness policies. Other prohibited conduct includes, physical touching of a sexual nature, unauthorized absence from cabins or activities, abusive or disrespectful behavior towards any member of the camp community, inappropriate appearance or attire.
More Information
For more photos, videos and information to get ready for camp, please keep any eye on the Beach Camp website, www.sunsetbaywharf.com and on Instagram at BeachCamp_SunsetBay and Facebook at www.facebook.com/BeachCampAtSunsetBay. Lots of new information and images will be updated on these sites as summer approaches, and we hope that you share them with friends and family. We are also happy to give tours of the facilities later in the spring.